Tuesday, January 5, 2010

[wvns] Egyptian police attacks Viva Palestina aid volunteers

Egyptian police attacks Viva Palestina aid volunteers

Los Angeles, Alta California
January 5, 2010

Egyptian police attacks
Viva Palestina aid volunteers

[PHOTO] Just a few hours ago approximately 2,000 Egyptian riot policemen attacked and injured volunteers of the Viva Palestina aid convoy that were inside the port of Al Arish preparing to drive the convoy vehicles to Gaza to deliver medical supplies and other humanitarian supplies.

Reports through Twitter from convoy participants say that there were serious injuries to some of the volunteers who suffered blows to the head by baton wielding policemen. Some were taken out of the port compound in stretchers and many of the victims are being attended at a mosque at the port. There are reports that some of the Viva Palestina volunteers are missing.

[PHOTO] One convoy member reported, "Tear gas, water cannons, rock throwing, they are under full attack… whole thing happened when convoy members were still locked inside this gated compound, then suddenly a very large group of plain clothes 'people' arrived at the compound with sticks and stones… 20 members were injured in the attack and there are some people from the convoy who are missing
and cannot be found."

[PHOTO] Another convoy member stated, "I was coming back from dinner with 8 brothers and sisters. . . approximately 30 riot police approached us & started harassing pushing and hitting us. the situation escalated. We tried to lock arms and hold each other and get to the gate. There were too many of them. Two meters from the gate they separated us and beat the shit out of us. I got dragged under and into a group of the riot police and was being beaten. Managed to get to the wall. as I was being beaten one of the brothers grabbed me from across the wall and put me into the compound. Of the nine of us, four are missing I don't know what has happened to them."

This aid convoy that came under attack is the third Viva Palestina humanitarian effort organized and led by Member of the British Parliament George Galloway. A fourth convoy called the Hugo Chavez Viva Palestina Aid Convoy is planned from Venezuela around September of this year.




URGENT ALERT: Viva Palestina faced with 2,000 Egyptian Riot Police!

11006 Veirs Mill Rd, STE L-15, PMB 298
Silver Spring, MD. 20902


Press TV Report On Viva Palestina Convoy

Assalaamu Alaikum (Greetings of Peace):

The world is receiving a tragic lesson in why Egypt received the "honor" of a U.S. presidential visit a few months ago. It is because this once proud "Arab nation" has sold its soul to the Zionist agenda to such an extent that it can be counted on to commit the most unconscionable acts in servile obeisance to that agenda!

The forwarded message below speaks for itself. People and organizations of conscience and good will should mount emergency demonstrations wherever an Egyptian embassy/consulate is located; Arab and Muslim organizations should be in the forefront of such a mobilization. If any community organizations and/or student groups are interested in mounting such a mobilization in the DC area, you could count on our humble support, insha'Allah.

El-Hajj Mauri' Saalakhan

From: alice@vivapalestina .org
To: information@ vivapalestina. org
Subject: Viva Palestina are faced with 2,000 riot police in the port of Al-Arish!

Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2010 20:04:54 +0000

To all friends of Palestine

Our situation is now at a crisis point! Riot has broken out in the port of Al- Arish.

This late afternoon we were negotiating with a senior official from Cairo who left negotiations some two hours ago and did not return. Our negotiations with the official was regarding taking our aid vehicles into Gaza.

He left two hours ago and did not come back. Egyptian authorities called over 2,000 riot police who then moved towards our camp at the port.

We have now blocked the entrance to the port and we are now faced with riot police and water cannons and are determined to defend our vehicles and aid.

The Egyptian authorities have by their stubbornness and hostility towards the convoy, brought us to a crisis point..

We are now calling upon all friends of palestine to mount protests in person where possible, but by any means available to Egyptian representatives, consulates and Embassy's and demand that the convoy are allowed a safe passage into Gaza tomorrow!

Kevin Ovenden
Viva Palestina Convoy Leader

------------ ---------
Alice Howard
Viva Palestina UK - Administration Manager
Tel: 07944 512 469
Email: alice@vivapalestina .org
Website: http://www.vivapale stina.org/



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