
Thursday, November 19, 2009

[wvns] Scaremongering Muslim Interns, Undermining Democracy

Scaremongering Muslim Interns, Undermining Democracy
Karin Friedemann

The Fort Hood massacre media orgy covered up the probably more politically significant story of the attack on Muslim Congressional interns and CAIR by David Gaubatz, who co-authored the Muslim Mafia with fellow Islamophobe and Hoover Media Institute fellow Paul Sperry.
Gaubatz is a long-time professional supplier of neo-con disinformation. He is the sole source of delusional right-wing claims that Saddam Hussein had WMDs and shipped them out of the country — something that even George W. Bush does not believe.

Representatives Sue Myrick (R-NC), John Shadegg (R-AZ), Paul Broun (R-GA), and Trent Franks (R-AZ) publicly endorsed The Muslim Mafia in a Capitol Hill press conference on October 14. The book accuses CAIR (Council for American-Islamic Relations) of espionage and subversive jihad against the USA. On the basis of The Muslim Mafia, the four Congresspersons, whose main support comes from Christian Zionists and the Israel Lobby, accused CAIR of a sinister strategic plan to place Muslim interns into Congressional offices to spy on Congress.

In reality, CAIR is a legitimate educational organisation with missions of defending the right of American Muslims to practice Islam and of educating American non-Muslims about Islam in order to improve Muslim-non-Muslim relations. CAIR's work differs little from those of other educational advocacy and lobby groups, including those that are pro-Israel.

CAIR helps the US government serve the American public better by putting American Muslims on Capitol Hill so that the voice of their constituency can be heard more clearly. Even if a Muslim intern reported back to CAIR, what could CAIR possibly do? CAIR's power to direct political resources is at least two orders of magnitude less than those of AIPAC.

AIPAC runs non-partisan institutes throughout American colleges and universities explicitly to recruit interns to spy on congressmen. When interns report back to AIPAC on deviation from pro-Israel orthodoxy, AIPAC springs into action either to intimidate the offender into conformity or to target him for political destruction in a poisoning of the American 
political process.

Because Gaubatz has long been an Israeli lobby operative, his perception of CAIR's activities looks like a form of psychological projection of own activities, particularly in regards to his involvement with the Society of Americans for National Existence (SANE), which advocates arresting Muslims for voluntarily practising Islam:

"Whereas, adherence to Islam as a Muslim is prima facie evidence of an act in support of the overthrow of the US government through the abrogation, destruction, or violation of the US Constitution and the imposition of Shariah on the American people...It shall be a felony punishable by 20 years in prison to knowingly act in furtherance of, or to support the, adherence to Shariah."

Gaubatz is the former head of SANE's Mapping Shariah Project: "It is our task to conduct an extensive mapping of all the Islamic day schools, mosques, and other identifiable organisations in the US and to determine which ones teach or preach Islamic law, Shariah. This investigation will also map the leadership of these Muslim organisations and their other affiliations."

Until CAIR outed his racist anti-democratic political views, SANE's founder David Yerushalmi was a leading activist in Stop the Madrassa, an anti-Muslim organisation connected with Islamic threat monger Daniel Pipes. Stop the Madrassa mobbed-and-smeared Debby Almontaser over a T-shirt bearing the word "Intifada" until she resigned from her position as principal of the Khalil Gibran International Academy.

Gaubatz, Yerushalmi, and Pipes are busy little bees flying all over the place. Silverstein famously received a $4.55 billion 9/11 payment under a double claim on his six-week old World Trade Center insurance policy.

If people like Gaubatz, his friends, his Congressional supporters, and his Zionist funders have their way, not only will the ongoing political prosecutions of Muslim American leaders expand to include practically all Muslims, but the Zionist intelligentsia will also have veto power over anyone seeking to serve in the US government.

The pattern of stigmatisation, marginalisation, demonisation, and punishment of Muslims and of anyone refusing to bow to Zionism is unmistakable. If extreme Israel advocates succeed in the stigmatisation of Muslim interns, yet another category of government jobs will effectively be reserved only to Israel Lobby approved candidates in a process constituting a slow-speed coup killing American democracy and putting ultimate control of the US government into the hands of the hyper-wealthy Israel Lobby.

Karin Friedemann is a Boston-based writer on Middle East affairs and US politics. She is Director of the Division on Muslim Civil Rights and Liberties for the National Association of Muslim American Women. Joachim Martillo contributed to this article



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