
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

[wvns] Muslim Mafia vs. Kosher Nostra

The "Muslim Mafia" vs. La Kosher Nostra–
Will the Real Threat to America Please Stand Up?
Mark Glenn
October 26, 2009

…Then a new king came to power in Egypt…"Look," he said to his people, "the Israelites have become far too numerous for us. Come, we must deal shrewdly with them, for if war breaks out they will join with our enemies, fight against us and then leave the country."

–Book of Exodus

"Understand this–that Terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with…it can't be reasoned with…It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and it absolutely will not stop, EVER, until you are dead…"

–"Reese" speaking to "Sarah Conner" in "The Terminator"

Gosh, more espionage against America by dangerous, fanatical Middle Easterners driven by a backwards, violent, intolerant ideology advocating a global, theocratic dictatorship. Something's GOT to be done about this before it gets out of hand…

No, it's not what you think. It's not connected in the least with the recent "Muslim Mafia" (cue the theme from "The Godfather") thing described in the recently-released book of the same title written by one David Gaubatz (gee, I wonder where he spends his Saturday evenings with a name like that?). Nor does this recent espionage involve Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, CAIR, or any of the other "Islamo-Fascist" groups Gaubatz alleges are part of this giant, insidious spy ring trying to penetrate congressional offices with interns in order to "Islamize" the land of the free and home of the brave.

This time (yet again) it's that "other" group of Middle Easterners so much in the news these days for all the mayhem they are causing, meaning the Jews…And not something as "small potatoes" as penetrating Congressional offices (something they accomplished decades ago already) with interns trained in the `by way of deception thou shalt do war" business so much a part of Jewish spycraft.

Rather, it is the "real deal"–meaning the kind of life-and-death espionage that poses an existential threat to every man, woman and child in America and involving the highest stakes possible, meaning (a) the theft and transfer of nuclear weapons technology and design (b) the means of delivering these weapons and (c) the ability of the United States to protect itself against nuclear attack from other powers.

One would think in the aftermath of all the stink recently conjured up by Israel's various whores in the US media concerning the thesis put forth in "Muslim Mafia" (cue Godfather music again) that news involving one of America's top scientists with the highest possible security clearances being caught red-handed offering to sell this kind of highly-classified technology to ANY country in the world (much less a country in the Middle East) would raise a few eyebrows.

And certainly this WOULD have been the case had he offered to do so for any nation used as a hideout for the Muslim Mafia (Godfather music). Moreso, you could expect that the very people who worked themselves (and others) into a panic-stricken froth over the existence of this aforementioned "Muslim Mafia" ("Do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do, dee-dee dum…")–meaning wannabe-war-criminals such as Joseph "Judas" Farah, Daniel "Rosenberg" Pipes et al might take an interest in such developments, being the patriotic, red-blooded American types they portray themselves being.

Alas however, not so much as an impromptu burp of discussion from the PR firm of "Israel, Israel and Israel" and for easily discernable reasons–the spy/traitor in question was involved in the "right" kind of espionage– meaning for the Jewish state–and was the "right" kind of spy–meaning Jewish.

Israel spying on America? Clearly this is not possible, as we have been told on occasions too numerous to count time and again from all the usual muckety-mucks who maintain (with the same kind of dogmatic insistence as Bernie Madoff did concerning his investment firm's legitimacy) that the Jewish state "does not spy on the US" and of course (being the very fruit of God's loins) this means they would never lie, despite the fact–again–it is the motto of the very agency for which they work–Mossad–that "By way of deception thou shalt do war."Of course, in order to weave the silk purse (known as the Israeli-American "special relationship") out of the sow's ear of documented instance after instance after instance of Jewish interests betraying America time and again by we must conveniently put aside certain uncomfortable truths, a short list of which includes–

(a) Jonathon Pollard, who stole and then sold to Israel close to a million documents classified "SCI," the highest classification that exists and whose treason resulted in the deaths of close to 1,500 American intelligence assets/agents–

(b) Ben Ami Kadesh, recently convicted of passing along still more nuclear-weapons related information to the Jewish state–

(c) The infamous 3 Amigos of "Let's Get America To Send Her Sons off to Fight Israel's Wars For Her" fame, meaning Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith and others investigated multiple times for their roles as Israeli spies–

(d) The Jewish Institute For National Security Affairs, also investigated numerous times for its role as an adjunct to Israel's Mossad–

(e) AIPAC (twice raided by the FBI for suspicion of espionage) as well as her top two officers Keith Weissman and Steve Rosen being charged with espionage on behalf of Israel–

(f) The hundreds of Israeli spies arrested on or immediately after 9/11, some of them caught in circumstances as incriminating as filming the destruction of the towers that day while cheering and who later revealed candidly on Israeli TV that they had been sent to "document" the event–

And then of course, the latest in a long and growing list of those spying on behalf of the same country that "does not spy on America"–Stewart David Nozzette.

Nozzette's case, while in many ways emblematic of many things involving the seemingly measurable proclivity on the part of Jewish interests towards selling America (and anyone else) down the river for 30 pieces of silver, is at the same time revealing in other ways as well.

Nozzette was certainly not an impoverished man. With his credentials and the kinds of posts he held he certainly was well into a 6-figure salary. Governments–including Uncle Sam–understand that the best way to keep employees loyal to the company is to remove any need for "moonlighting", and the fact the FBI overseeing the undercover operation paid him relatively small amounts indicates he was doing it not as much for money as for "a higher cause". Clearly, by the statements he made found in the criminal complaint and attached affidavit (including the fact his parents were both Jewish and that if nabbed he would take advantage of his "right of return" as a Jew and seek asylum in "home sweet home", meaning Israel) he was a "true believer in the Jewish cause.

Furthermore, the entire demeanor he seemed to display during the face-to-face get togethers with the undercover FBI agent carried an air of "Wink, wink", you know you can count on me to sell out the country that has given me life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness all my life. After all, I'm Jewish, and this is what Jews are called upon to do in proving their loyalty."Naturally, Jewish interests are doing what they always do when caught doing something naughty–do a little cosmetic surgery and turn the accused into the accuser. Rather then taking their licks like men and fess up to what everybody in-the-know already knows, instead it has to be all about–surprise, surprise, "everybody pickin' on da po' lil' Jews." Indicted spy for Israel Steve Rosen accused the US Justice Department and the CIA of being "paranoid" when it comes to Israel…Blowhard par excellence Abe Foxman of the ADL finds it "troubling" that so many spies being nabbed in the US these days are Jewish, as if the real reason for all of this is that the same US sending $30 million a day to Israel is "anti-Semitic" rather than the fact that the lion's share of spies operating in the US are Jews.

Given their microscopic percentage in terms of demographics, the fact that SO MANY of them are up to their eyeballs in the dirty business of espionage and betrayal raises certain troubling questions. Since (as we are told on a regular basis (whenever some spy for Israel gets caught) that spying is an "across the board" thing that "all countries" do to each other, that means that the cases involving Jews spaying n America should fit with the demographics, meaning only in about 2-3% of the cases.

Clearly this is not the case, as they account for over half, and what's more concerning is that the cases involving them are not the namby-pamby cases, but rather the big ones involving the life-and death secrets of America.

Some will say (with a fair amount of justification) this is something of an unavoidability on the part of Jewish interests and likened to a program in their collective hard drive where their "nation" comes first in any kind of political arrangement, irrespective of where they and their ancestors have lived for generations. Some argue (again, with justification) that by virtue of thousands of years of careful psychological manipulation they are in effect a people with a ROM hard drive like the Terminator or a nation of Manchurian Candidates who function along semi-normally until they get "the call" from headquarters telling them to execute a particular mission. Although certainly a notion well-known throughout history in Gentile nations who learned first hand about this tendency, this was also an idea authoritatively outlined by former Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky in his books "By Way Of Deception" and its sequel "The Other Side Of Deception" where he paints a frightening picture of a real-life Jewish 5th column in virtually every country in the world (called "sayanim") who can be activated at a moment's notice if needed.

The other factor to consider in all of this of course is religion, something we are all encouraged to dissect when analyzing the "Muslim Mafia" (you know the routine by now) and the "dangers" of Islam. For the Jews, espionage and sabotage of "the other" is something of a sacrament–time-honored and part of the "family business" when it comes to La Kosher Nostra. After all, the Jews, as we are constantly told these days, are a people of tradition. They base and justify their entire existence as individuals and as a group on the deeds of their patriarchs of yesteryear.

Lying and treachery began with the story of Abraham selling his wife Sarah into prostitution to the King of Egypt, continued with Jacob conspiring with his mother to defraud his own brother of his rightful inheritance and then reached its apex with Joseph robbing the entire nation of Egypt of its wealth.

Keep in mind that these fraudsters and shysters are not demonized by today's Jews for their past criminal behavior, but rather IDOLIZED.

This being the case then, a new king takes power in Egypt, and understanding through historical experience the treacherous side of these people, decides they must be dealt with "shrewdly", knowing that if his country ever found itself at war they would side with Egypt's enemies for their own personal gain, despite the fact they already lived as kings of commerce and finance.

All of which begs the obvious question–should the US (or any other country, for that matter) allow a group of people loyal to another nation access to the kind of life-and-death information that–statistically speaking–stands a good chance of winding up in the hands of America's enemies, as did the documents stolen by Jonathon Pollard?

Or rather should the leaders of these countries "act shrewdly" with them, as did the King of Egypt upon ascending his throne? Certainly–in this the age of Muslim-bashing on the part of Jewish interests–no one would think twice about restricting highly-classified material to "jihadists", and this being the standard set, what's sauce for the goose must also be sauce for the gander and therefore should apply to the yahudists as well.

But perhaps the best argument in favor of such a program comes from Jewish spy Jonathon Pollard himself who–while being interrogated by the authorities for his role in selling some of the most life-and-death secrets America possessed at that time to Israel that were then sold to the Soviet Union, America's sworn enemy stated–

"The US shouldn't give high clearances to Jews, because when asked to help, we're willing to do anything for the love of our country, Israel."



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